Thursday, August 15, 2013

Consumer Critique: Mighty Handle

Disclosure: I received complimentary products to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own.

Here's a product I never would have thought of using, but totally makes sense: the Mighty Handle. They have a promo video as part of Walmart's Get on the Shelf program that's pretty comprehensive, but basically it's a handle that makes it easier to carry a lot of shopping bags at once. And it really does. If you use plastic bags or paper bags with the rope-type handles, you know that they start to cut into your hands. The Mighty Handle has a much more comfortable grip and makes it much easier to carry several bags at once - or several hangars if you're moving clothing around (like picking them up from the dry cleaners). Other nice features - it's recyclable, dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning, and made in the USA. Right now you can get it at, Schnucks, and Hen House. On Amazon it's just $10 for two handles - not bad for an easy little gadget to save time and effort!

To learn more, like Mighty Handle or follow @MightyHandle.

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