Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Healthy Habits: Common Birth Defects and Treatments

Carrying a child is a huge blessing and responsibility. When it comes to the health and well-being of your child, it can often be difficult to know how to eat and what to do. If you have certain genetic conditions in your family, there can be an increased risk of birth defects and other concerns. While most babies are born perfectly healthy, there are always some that come with health risks. What are the most common birth defects; are they preventable, and how can you treat them?

Heart Defects
Babies can be born with different heart defects. In about one in 100 births, a baby is born with some type of heart defect. The reason that babies are born with heart defects is linked to different things during development. Most will have a hereditary condition, while others simply have a heart defect due to a mistake while the fetus was developing. The nurses and doctors will quickly diagnose a heart problem when the baby is first born and will rush them into surgery for the right treatment. Others may be left untreated (like a heart murmur) unless the child develops serious health problems. Most heart defects will be quickly treated if they are serious. Others can be treated through healthy living, drugs or a mechanical aid.

Spina Bifida
About one in 2,000 births will result in spina bifida. This is especially common for Caucasians of European extraction. Spina bifida is a neural tube defect. In some cases, it can be prevented; it has been linked to a poor diet and lack of folic acid. Taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid is essential to reduce the risk of spina bifida. This condition will prevent the backbone from closing properly during the development of the fetus. The baby will need to be delivered via C-section and must be operated on to gain use of their legs. Most babies will use braces or crutches to walk. While some can overcome the problem with walking, others may be in a wheelchair for life.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
This is a condition that is completely preventable. A child will have abnormal facial features, a cleft lip, growth retardation and nervous system problems if they have fetal alcohol syndrome. A baby with mild exposure can still have problems with learning, speech, problem solving, attention and memory. It is vital that a pregnant woman steer clear of alcohol, as it can cause these defects in an unborn child.

Down Syndrome 
This is one of the most common birth defects and can be diagnosed before a child is born. It is not curable but is treatable with proper therapy and patience. Most babies born with Down syndrome will need lifelong care; they are mentally and physical incapable of caring for themselves as they grow into adulthood. Children with Down syndrome often suffer seizures, overcrowded teeth, visual problems, hearing problems, large ears, cleft pallet, heart problems, flat feet and an elongated face. Babies born with fragile X syndrome may not show signs of problems until they are two years old. Early intervention programs are the best treatment to help your child grow and develop. While some children with fragile X syndrome can look the same as other children, they will often have other developmental delays.

This article was provided by Samantha Greenbaum, health-conscious mother of two. If you’re interested in working your way to a life in medicine, Samantha recommends checking out

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