We've all had that day when we looked at our energy bill with disbelief, wondering how in the world we managed to rack up such a significant bill. We consume plenty of energy, and so we spend a lot of money on our energy bill; that's just life. We can't eliminate our energy bill since we depend on our creature comforts such as computers, televisions, heaters, and kitchen appliances. So, since we can't eliminate our energy bill, we need to find ways to reduce it. The best way to reduce your energy bill is to find out where most of the energy is being used. Here's a list of some appliances that are costing you too much money on your energy bill, and how you can lower their cost.
Water heater
Nearly all water heaters are set to a temperature of around 140 degrees, which is way hotter than they need to be for effectiveness. Water heaters use high amounts of energy because they are constantly heating water. If you lower the thermostat on the water heater to 115-120 degrees, your heater won't have to work as hard, and you'll end up saving money. Also, you are unlikely to ever tell the difference.
Any appliance that is plugged in
Many people don't realize that appliances gobble up energy when they're plugged in, even if they're not being used or turned off. Your TV when you're not watching it? Wasting energy. Your cell phone and laptop chargers when they're not connected? Wasting money. Appliances use a notable amount of energy even when plugged in, and it all adds up on your monthly energy bill.
The best way to handle this situation is by using more power strips in your home, namely your living room and kitchen where you have a bulk of appliances. Power strips allow you to keep all related appliances (TV, DVD Player, or Xbox) plugged into the same strip, allowing you to regulate power to them at the same time. By installing power strips, you can use appliances whenever you need them and save energy when you don't.
The sad reality is that there are only three ways to stay warm without spending a large sum of money. You can either start a fire in a fireplace or bundle up in sweatshirts and blankets. Heaters - whether traditional or space heaters - run through energy at an alarming rate. If you have a fireplace, you may want to consider using it more often. Otherwise, it's time to throw on an extra pair of clothing and keep warm the good old-fashioned way.
Refrigerators are some of the most energy inefficient appliances in the world. Unfortunately, they're also a necessity. Unlike other appliances, you can't simply unplug your fridge when you're not using it. What you can do though, is make sure that you're not running a spare fridge or freezer in your home unless it's truly necessary.
These are some of the main reasons why your power bill may be high each month. But don't worry, as pointed out, there are ways you can lower your energy bill.
This article was provided by Charity Bailey, current Environmental Science student and smart energy consumer. If you're looking for a good energy alternative, Charity recommends visiting www.amigoenergy.com.
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