Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Healthy Habits: Oscars Red Carpet Workout

Watching the Oscars is always is a great way to spend time with friends and family, while checking out the stars and seeing how they look. This Sunday, watch all the excitement and feel red carpet-ready, by including some fitness exercises to keep your waistline trimmed. Try these tips from Shana Schneider, fitness expert and Founder of FITWEEK, a fitness company dedicated to helping women turn any week into a fitweek.  

This workout is for anyone whose favorite part of The Oscars, or any awards show for that matter, is the red carpet. It’s for those who are watching the red carpet, not actually walking it!

Instead of just sitting on the couch, here are a few ways you can work in some fitness while providing your own red carpet commentary… and you will need a pair of heels!

1. If you like the dress the actress is wearing, do 10 straight leg kicks alternating between the right and left legs. (Go ahead and add some jazz hands or spirit fingers for some flare!)

2. If you don’t like the dress, stand up and do 10 cross body jabs alternating between the right and left arms. (…because that dress should get pummeled and only appear on a worst dressed list!)

3. On commercial breaks, put on your heels. Sit on the floor and do a V-sit. See if you can hold it for the full break with your legs fully extended. You can also bend your legs so they’re in a 90-degree angle to make it a little easier.  (The shoes are really just there so you have something cute to look at.)

4. When the actor or actress appears whom you think is going to win, do 10 cross body standing crunches. Reach up with your left hand; bend your left arm and raise your right knee so they meet; put them down, then do this on the opposite.

5. Whenever they ask “Who are you wearing?” do 10 squats. Stand 6-8 inches away from your couch or chair and as you squat, just barely touch your butt to the seat and then stand back up and squeeze those glutes. On the 10th one, sit back down and enjoy the show or at least until the next exercise starts!

Bonus - for those who are watching the red carpet on E!

- When they use the Mani cam, grab water bottles or hand weights and do 12 reps of biceps curls.

- When they use the 360 cam, stand up and do 10 leg circles on each side. Just trace a circle on the floor with your toe pointed. Feel free to do this one with those heels on, too!

Show your Red Carpet Workout. Share a photo on the FITWEEK facebook page or tag your photo w/ #fitweekoscar

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