March 22 marks World Water Day—a day for us to raise our voices, cameras,
pens and pennies on behalf of the 768 million people around the world that live
without safe water to drink. or most of us, spending hours each day walking to collect water from dirty or
contaminated water sources is pretty hard to fathom. We can hardly imagine what it
would be like worrying that our loved ones are drinking water that might make them
sick or worse, or what it would be like to experience utter joy the very first time that
safe water were available in our home town.
For most of us, the fact that 1 in 10 people worldwide do not have access to water
that is safe to drink, wash or cook with is just short of unimaginable.
768 million people in the world today do not have access to safe drinking water —
roughly 1 in 10 of the world’s population.
1 in 3 people worldwide do not have access to a safe, private toilet.
Around 2,000 children die every day from water related diseases.
Women in developing countries typically walk an average distance of 4 miles
each day on her trek for water. A typical jerry can of water weighs 40 pounds.
According to the world bank: $220 billion would be added to the global economy
each year if we were to provide toilets and sanitation to everyone currently with-
out it.
Just $25 can help one person access a lasting supply of safe water, improved
hygiene and sanitation.
Having safe water and gender-segregated toilets in school keeps girls from
dropping out once they begin menstruating.
Friday, March 21 at 1 PM EST @socialgoodmoms will host a Twitter chat
with WaterAid America. Please join the discussion and chime
in to support WaterAid and the
countless people in Nicaragua who do not have access to clean water
every day. You can simply join the chat by using the #WaterAidNica hashtag.
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