Balance Bar
has partnered
with registered dietitian Sharon Richter to share with you her tips for
spring cleaning your pantry. As part of this initiative,
Balance Bar is hosting a Balance Bar Pantry Contest – the grand
prize winner will receive a box of Balance Bars, a J.R. Watkins White
Tea & Bamboo product pack, a $100 Container Store gift card and an
hour-long pantry consultation with Sharon Richter!
Please find more information about how to enter the contest
here or on Balance Bar’s Facebook page.
5 Steps to a Cleaner (and healthier) Pantry
least once a year, Sharon recommends a thorough cleaning of your food
pantry. This is also a great time to assess your eating habits and
freshen up some of your go-to staples
in the snack and non-perishable categories. The first days of spring
are the perfect opportunity to mark your calendars and spring clean your
pantry. Here are a few simple steps:
Step 1: Empty everything from your food pantry. It’s okay to start with a mess and you’ll be surprised what’s hiding in there!
Step 2: Throw away
anything that has expired, has been open for more than a couple weeks or
you know you’re just not going to use.
Step 3: Organize everything by category – snacks, meal starters, nuts and dried fruits, cereal and carbs, etc.
4: Check the labels. Here are a couple ingredients you simply shouldn’t
have in any foods: hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
monosodium glutamate
o Step
5: Make sure you have plenty of portion controlled snacks readily
available and at the front of the pantry. You tend to eat more of what
is eye-level or easily accessible.
I always stock up on delicious Balance Bar® Dark Bars. They are the
perfect snack in the afternoon to keep your energy levels high.
Richter is a Registered Dietitian who has established a private
nutrition practice in Manhattan over the past ten years. Her objective
to help others achieve a healthier lifestyle by creating incremental
goals that are both physically and mentally challenging and most
importantly; achievable. Understanding the importance of nutritional
education within the community, Sharon works closely
with Wellness In The Schools (WITS), the Challenged Athletes Foundation
and also sits on the board for Healthination and Sports For Youth, and
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