Friday, March 14, 2014

Healthy Habits: Tricks to Boost Memory

Whether or not you feel forgetful at times, there are some easy things we can all do to help keep our brain sharp. Evidence suggests that many of these techniques can also help stave off age-related memory disorders, or lesson the symptoms.

Exercise - it increases blood flow to the brain and helps you grow new brain cells. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobics and 15 minutes of strength training, 4 times a week each.
Lower the bar - having unrealistic memory expectations only adds stress and makes it harder to remember things.
Eat for your mind - omega-3 is a fatty acid that can help your brain grow. Flavonoids (found in dark fruits and veggies and dark chocolate) can help too.
Keep your numbers in check - your blood sugar, blood pressure, and belly fat all have negative effects on Alzheimer's risk.
Protect your noggin - wear a helmet when you're moving on wheels (bike, blades, skateboard) or playing hard contact sports (hockey, football).
Learn new skills - trying to learn a new language, new instrument, or new hobby helps your brain forge new pathways.
Get out in the real world - seeing people face-to-face and volunteering can help you find fulfillment and be happier, which can have a positive effect on memory.

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