Thursday, August 7, 2014

Parenting Pointers: Nap Mat Carriers and Naptime Tips

Trying to get out the door (on time) with all of your children's essentials can be almost impossible for busy parents. Keeping everything clean and germ free can be even harder. Nap Mat Carriers are innovative products designed to help bring nap supplies to preschool or daycare in a convenient carrier without dirt or fuss. I had a chance to interview the founder to learn more.

What was the inspiration behind creating Nap Mat Carriers?
Nap Mat Bags were inspired by my desire to carry and keep clean my daughter’s nap mat, blanket, and pillow. Nap Mat Carriers the company originated when my daughter was going to a mother’s day out. She put on her new clothes and shoes packed her school supplies in her backpack then tried to put her nap mat in her backpack.  It would not fit. So I carried the nap mat, pillow, and blanket and off we went. When we arrived at school I asked her teacher what we should use to carry the nap mat, blanket, and pillow. She stated a pillowcase.

I decided to look for a pillowcase. I couldn’t be like all the other moms and have the open pillowcase. I needed one with a zipper. I think it’s the germaphobe in me. So the search began. I looked and looked and finally I found one that was large enough for the nap mat, blanket, and small pillow. Can you tell I got the ex-large nap mat?  After much searching I found one in Walmart but the drawback was that it was white. Because I was not creative enough to mask the stains, my child’s pillowcase looked a mess. I search the internet for nap mat bags and carriers and none was found.  After much research and testing Nap Mat Bags were invented.

What makes this product better than alternatives or just creating a bedroll?
Nap Mat Bags are great alternatives because it keeps the nap mat clean, free of insects, and protects the nap mat from being damage.  Many of the alternatives such as bedrolls are mostly for carrying.  However, the nap mat is still being exposed to dirt and even insect such as lice and mites.  The nap mat is not protected and that is just what the Nap Mat Bags does.  It protects the nap mat and it is makes carrying the nap mat, pillow, and blanket easy. 

How can parents help their kids adjust to sleeping away from home in unfamiliar situations?

This is a great question.  Parents can help their child adjust to sleeping away from home in unfamiliar situations by allowing their child to bring something familiar.  My daughters often carry their blankets and stuff animals and this normally helps alleviate any concerns they may have of sleeping somewhere new.

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