Friday, September 5, 2014

Amazing Apps: School Circle

SchoolCircle and is an online hub for simplifying communication between parents, teachers, and room parents.

The app was created to do away with all of the disjointed communication parents and teachers use right now - never ending email threads, loose paper flyers, sign up sheets - so there's less stress and more time focused on the kids.

SchoolCircle makes sure that:
  • There's no more panic over a forgotten permission slip/ bake sale cookies/ class party: All communication happens in one place, in a convenient dashboard for parents, teachers, and room parents, so nothing slips through the cracks
  • Reminders are consistent and reliable: Parents get regularly scheduled emails so they know when to expect updates, and can easily keep track of tasks
  • Everyone is a hero: Parents and teachers act as a coordinated team with SchoolCircle, and everyone is confident that they're doing their part to maximize their kids' education

SchoolCircle is, and always will be, a free app. 

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