Friday, December 5, 2014

Soul Sustenance: A New Curtain Opens

Disclosure: I received complimentary products to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own. 

A New Curtain Opens by Richard P. Matthews provides a simple path to the discovery of life's purpose. Although many are looking greater meaning, Matthews explains that what they're really looking for is a connection to the Great I Am - a connection that animals already have. The book is the first of five novels in a series about Hayah, who has the task to show the human race the potential that earth has, even if only a few people connect to the Great I Am.

Richard P. Matthews is director of Revitalizing Ministries, an ordained Elder in the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church, who has been meditating since he was sixteen and practicing yoga since he was twenty-one. 

I have a chance to publish an interview with him to help learn more about his views on spiritual enlightenment.

Q - As a spiritual author, what is your reaction to Eckhart Tolle's books, The Power of Now and A New Earth?
His books are a bull's-eye. Of all the spiritual, religious and theological books I have read, his books hit the mark. There is absolutely no doubt that he is enlightened and a major leader in the awakening.

Q - How is your book different from Tolle's books?
A New Curtain Opens is written for everyone to experience.  It is a narrative story of Hoss Proxetter's life, and we get to live in his experience as he connects with the 'Great I Am' within himself. When he becomes the superhero Hayah, we soon realize that we too can become superheroes. Then the fiction and reality start to merge into each other.  It feels so good and so right that we want it to be true.  Suddenly, it is true. What we thought was myth and fiction now becomes reality. What we thought was reality now becomes myth and fiction. The 'Great I Am' within us is a real experience, not an idea or some theological study. Without realizing it the story becomes about us, because when we connect to the 'Great I Am' within us, we discover that our story is in Him. Strange but true, the animals are already connected and they want to help us to be connected.
Q - Are you saying the animals are enlightened and already awakening now?
In a word, yes!  Eckhart explains enlightenment through the beggar metaphor that is to the point, but causes us to think too much. Quite simply enlightenment is all about connecting to the 'Great I Am' within and not about being more intelligent. In fact, enlightenment has nothing to do with rational thought at all; that is why animals have an advantage.  In A New Curtain Opens, the animals' connection is so powerful we want to abandon our ego and rational mind to become more like them.  Their story about pro-tection without hatred, their story about healing with a greater science, their story about connecting with the son in creation explodes our rational minds into a million pieces and leaves us in the inner silence to find and connect to the 'Great I Am' within us.
Q - Is A New Curtain Opens going to tell us how to make that connection?
That secret is revealed in A New Curtain Opens in many ways.  You will see how Hoss connects as a young boy. You will be there to experience how Hayah teaches others to connect. Many of the characters in the story struggle to make that connection, and you will share in their experiences. You will actually be there as Hayah teaches a step-by-step course on how to connect. The only thing left for the reader to do is to make the effort to connect. No matter how simple it may sound, the connecting is not easy. As Eckhart says, "Your ego and rational mind will fight you every step of the way.” If you have purchased his books, you should buy A New Curtain Opens. It will show you how to connect and put you on the path to enlightenment and awakening to your life's purpose.


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