Thursday, April 16, 2015

Soul Sustenance: Meditation as a Way of Life

Disclosure: I received a complimentary book to facilitate this post. All opinions are mine.

Meditation as a Way of Life: Philosophy and Practice Rooted in the Teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda is a guide for readers who are looking for direction and inner growth. The guide includes practical exercises and practices to incorporate the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of meditation.
Rev. Alan Pritz is an Interfaith Minister, meditation teacher, spiritual counselor, life coach and consultant who's trained in and taught inner sciences for over 40 years. He weaves together the teachings of many spiritual traditions and religions in an interfaith perspective that is appropriate for those of any belief system. The book also includes personal stories, which make the book less of a dry manual and more personable and accessible.

I was able to interview him to learn more.

What are the advantages of meditation?
Meditation may be ranked as one of, if not The most beneficial, multi-purpose life enhancer around because it targets the core of who we are in intimately nourishing and varied ways. As humans we have a triune nature; body, mind, and spirit. Physically, meditation has been scientifically proven to positively impact health in innumerable ways; from reducing stress, alleviating depression, and lowering blood pressure to boosting immune system functions. Mentally, meditation has been associated with fostering creativity, emotional resilience, and social interactive skills. More, studies have linked regular meditation with the ability to reconfigure neural pathways in the brain thus contributing to positive behavioral changes and mood enhancement. Spiritually, meditation establishes a direct link with the essential nature of our being - the formless aspects of consciousness and all it represents - in ever-enriching ways. Most importantly, it vitalizes our connection with Source (Spirit / God / The Ultimate ) thereby nurturing inner evolution and ultimate spiritual realization.
What sets your book apart from other meditation books?
My book is perhaps unique in that it includes personal narrative as well as substantive technique and philosophy. It distills select teachings of a legendary spiritual meditation master, Paramahansa Yogananda, while conveying them through the lens of my 30+ years’ experience. It doesn’t merely share the master’s wisdom, or that of other advanced disciples immediately trained by him, but strives to encourage Every Person to take up these practices and principles by making them accessible through the testimonial example of my own very ordinary nature.
Why is it helpful to approach it from a perspective that takes multiple faith backgrounds into account?
The principles and practices involved are universal and must be stripped of the exclusive trappings associated with any particular religious system. Just as the laws of physics do not change depending upon ones ideological identification, spiritual laws do not alter according to belief. What is important is learning precisely what these principles are and how to apply them within the context of ones’ personal faith orientation.  Providing a broad-based, multi-systemic perspective helps solidify understanding that Truth is indeed one, applications of It, many.
Where can people go if they'd like to learn more, either about the book or about your approach to meditation?
The best place to learn about such is my website:  Considerable content is available throughout, from blog articles to reviews and I can always be contacted directly through the “Contact Us” page. If people simply wish to purchase the book outright I recommend they do so on

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