Monday, June 8, 2015

Healthy Habits: Tick Prevention Reminders

Finding an effective and convenient method of protecting kids from ticks (and mosquitoes) is an annual challenge for parents. With insect-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease on the rise throughout the country, parents need to be vigilant.

Lyme disease has now become one of the fastest growing epidemics to date. The CDC estimates the number of cases in the US to be about 300,000 cases a year.

Here are some tick protection tips and youth tick repellent clothing solutions to help keep kids bite-free in the coming months.

Remove Ticks Safely
To safely remove attached ticks, first disinfect the area with an alcohol swab. Next, using a pointy tweezer, grab the tick "head" as close to the skin as possible and simply pull straight out. Remember to disinfect the bite site again after pulling the tick out.

Encourage Daily Tick Checks
The best time to do a full body tick check is right after ending outdoor activity. A more convenient time would be as you prepare to shower or bathe before going to bed. Prompt removal of most species of ticks can prevent transmission of tick-borne pathogens. It takes more than 24-36 hrs of attachment for nymphal deer ticks to transmit Lyme disease bacteria, and even longer to transmit Babesia parasites.

Identify and Avoid Tick Habitats
Shady, wooded and weedy edges are favorite spots for ticks to hang out. Avoiding tick habitats can be difficult but there are plenty of ways - such as always walking in the middle of maintained trails - to limit tick encounters.

Wear Tick Repellent Clothes
Insect Shield Tick Repellent Apparel converts clothing and gear into effective and convenient insect protection. The repellency is long-lasting and appropriate for use by the entire family with no restrictions for use.

Where to Buy:
The assortment consists of lightweight, performance-based options that are great for active, outside play – think camp, BBQs, sports, picnics and more. The collection includes boys and girls matching Performance Pants, Shirts, Hoodies and Headbands. (Size range: 2T - 7/8)

A collection of basics that work great for a variety of summer outdoor activities and camping adventures including socks, shorts, tee's, hats, khaki's and jeans. (Size range: 7/8 - 16)

Quick Facts:
•    Repellency is in the clothing – not on your skin
•    Repellency lasts through 70 launderings
•    No restrictions for use
•    Appropriate for the entire family
•    No need to re-apply
•    Repels mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, chigger and midges including those that can cause Lyme disease, malaria and other dangerous insect-borne diseases.

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