I had a chance to interview Akshay to learn more.
Why are fear and suffering a necessary part of life?
is the brain's natural response to risk and the unknown. Any time
something new occurs, our brain asks the question is this going to kill
me or not? Inevitably, it then activates the "fear center" of the brain -
the amygdala. We have simply been led to believe that this is a bad
thing, but it is not. The fear response also increases joy, focus and
our ability to respond to any situation. Without risk, there can be no
growth in life. If we want to be someone we have never been before or
have something we have never had before, we are going to have to do
something we have never done before and that means taking a risk. With
risk comes fear, so fear is necessary as long as you want to grow in any
area of your life. The more you embrace it, you will soon start to
realize that fear also leads to our greatest moments in life. Like fear,
suffering is also necessary because the body, mind and spirit cannot
and does not grow in comfort. Each grows when pushed to the limits and
beyond. Our body only gets stronger if we put it through stress and
suffering, which is why we work out. Similarly, the mind and spirit must
also suffer to reap the rewards that lie on the other side of that
suffering. Whether it is running for a countless number of miles to
train for a marathon, sitting in front of a computer for hours at a
stretch to write a book or getting rejected thousands of times to start a
business, any worthy endeavor requires the element of suffering. The
reality is even those who chose not to push their limits in the pursuit
of something worthwhile go through the existential suffering that comes
with living a mundane life. One way or another we all suffer, we just
have to decide whether we want to choose our suffering or let it choose
How can struggle affect our finances?
can lead to financial freedom as long as we choose the struggle and not
let it choose us. The only reason I am able to work while watching the
sunset on a beach in St. Lucia is because of the hours, days and months I
suffered to build my business up to the point to where it is today.
Like anything in life, we only get the results we want when we put in
the work. The same is true for building a business. Struggle then is
great for finances, it's simply a matter of choosing it repeatedly and
accepting it as an inevitability in the journey to financial freedom.
What are some positive aspects of suffering?
struggle creates stronger neural circuits in the brain. This means that
suffering helps us learn and remember each lesson which leads to
enhanced skills. The more we push our abilities and reach beyond our
comfort zone in any activity, the better we become at that activity.
Runners cannot get faster unless they practice running faster. Body
builders don't get stronger unless they lift heavier. In any activity,
it takes hours, days, months and years of struggle to become a master at
it. One positive aspect of suffering is improved skill and the ability
to develop mastery. Another is the existential and spiritual growth that
comes with suffering. The greatest moments in my life, the ones that
led to the most growth are the ones where I truly suffered - from
serving 7 months in a war zone to dragging a 190 pound sled 350 miles
across the second largest icecap in the world to climbing over 20,000
feet in the Himalayas to overcoming an alcohol addiction that brought me
to the verge of suicide, each of these experiences tested me
physically, mentally and spiritually. As a result, each of them made me
better and stronger in their own way. The suffering I went through also
built in me an unshakeable confidence in myself. It has been said that
confidence is the result of having successfully survived a risk. When
you take risks, you will suffer because life beyond our comfort zone is
far from comfortable. As we learn to become comfortable being
uncomfortable, we become more resilient and able to handle anything life
throws at us. Suffering builds confidence, skill, and awareness on what
it means to be human. It is the greatest gift we can ever receive.
How can we shift our mindset to use fear and suffering to improve our situations?
anyone about a time in their life that led to considerable personal
growth and more than likely they will bring up a time that involved some
sort of struggle, yet so many of us resist adversity. The
first step to shifting our mindset is to let go of the status quo that
has us believe fear and suffering are negative forces in our lives. Even if you don't believe that entirely yet, just be open to
the possibility that they are in fact gifts that lead to our growth.
Then look back at your own life and write down a list of experiences
where something positive occurred as a result of fear or suffering -
this could be things like getting stronger after working out hard,
building a business after being terrified to quit your job and doing so
anyway or having your first child after spending hours in labour. Once
you write down this list, you will then start to accept this new
perspective on fear and suffering. Finally, do something to share this
perspective with someone else. That final step will help seal this new
belief into your subconscious. These three steps will change your
mindset about the nature of fear and suffering. That is the most
important element. Then all you have to do is find ways to practice them
by doing things outside your comfort zone. There is no limit to what
that could mean. It could be jumping out of a plane, running your first
marathon, or walking up to a stranger at a party. There is no right or
wrong about the activity. As long as it pushes you beyond your comfort
zone and makes you feel uncomfortable, it will help you grow. As you
keep practicing it, your comfort zone will expand and you will find
yourself taking on even bigger challenges, leading to even greater
growth. When I was young, I used to be terrified of ferris wheels. Today
I have been ice diving, cave diving, skydiving and mountaineering all
over the world. I didn't get here overnight, it took a series of small
steps beyond my perceived limits. All you have to do today is take one
step, just one.
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