Saturday, March 26, 2016

Book Nook: Center Ring

One evening, Norah Merrit, a dedicated obstetrician known for her bedside manner and service to Doctors Without Borders, walks into Girl’s Night Out with a confession that shakes the group to its core. In the aftermath of Norah’s revelation, each of her “sister friends” -- photojournalist Camille, stay-at-home mom Leila, publicist Ellison and designer Kate -- are left questioning their roads-not-taken and revisiting the vastly different choices they’ve made in love and life. Told in alternating points of view between the five friends, Center Ring is a story about modern women finding balance through action, relationships and growth as well as a deep examination of the power of female friendship and its complex bonds.

I had a chance to review the book, which was a really good read. Each of the women in the group has a very different role to play in life, just as we all play a different role in our lives. Author Nicole Waggoner deftly weaves between the different points of view to provide a comprehensive look at relationships, growth, friendship, and life choices.

About The Author

Nicole Waggoner, author of Center Ring (She Writes Press, 2016), is an award-winning teacher of upper-level English and Literary Criticism courses in Norman, Oklahoma.  She has received particular acclaim for her intensive study symposiums including Fitzgerald’s World: A Labyrinth of Gilded Cages, Timed Writing Hacks for Anxious Test Takers, and Essential French for Travel.  Nicole lives with her biggest fans — her husband and two children — in Norman, Oklahoma, where she sits on the board of the Cleveland County YMCA and plays an active role with local initiatives supporting literacy, women’s health and the working poor.

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