Saturday, October 15, 2016

Book Nook: The Moon Inside

Sometimes when kids struggle to go to sleep, it's motivated by a fear of the dark. There are a lot of ways parents can try to overcome this, and a new book I got to review, The Moon Inside, tells the story of a girl who loves yellow and loves the sun and doesn't like to see it disappear. Instead, the mother shows her the wonder of the moon, and how it is also like the sun, helping her daughter to eventually learn to sleep by the moonlight.

It's a great way to encourage kids to use the moon as a symbol for the day's light, and the illustrations are lovely. Note: it's probably best to read this during a waxing moon, so there's plenty of time before the new moon when it disappears!

Author of the Daisy series of childrens’ books, Sandra is also a volunteer in her children’s schools, a library, and the founder of a new high school, Sandra has worked with children of all ages and their parents.  She’s learned that helping children embrace new parts of their worlds at a young age is important in their continued development.  She’s also a big believer in celebrating the natural creativity children have, so that the wonderful imaginations they possess when they are young can still be accessed when they are older and more afraid of final exams than the dark.

Growing up exploring the hills of Northern California and catching salamanders in local streams, Sandra learned an appreciation of nature from a young age.  The Moon Inside reflects Sandra’s sense of finding comfort in the natural world.

You can find more information about Sandra at:

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