Saturday, September 16, 2017

Soul Sustenance: Unshakeable Trust

I was recently sent the book Unshakeable Trust by Joyce Meyer. Joyce is a very prolific author, and I've had the chance to read many of her books. This new one helps readers focus on the joy of trusting God all the time, no matter what is happening.

The message itself is important. It can be a challenge to maintain trust in God when things don't go our way. We're often tempted to think that God isn't really there for us, or that He doesn't care the way we thought He did, or even that He isn't even there at all.

The book draws from both Scripture and Joyce's own experiences to share times when trust may falter and Scripture to reinforce the fact that even when we're struggling, God is still there. I liked the fact that her statements were based on clear Scripture, without taking anything out of context. I also really liked the message - not just surviving, but being able to find joy in God's love. I did find it a little bit more targeted towards newer believers, or believers whose faith maybe wasn't quite as strong. I'm a lifelong Christian who attended Christian schools and has a very strong background in faith and Scriptural knowledge, and I didn't gain any new insights (although it did serve to confirm what I already believed and knew about suffering and God's role when we suffer).

If you're in the midst of a trial, this can be a good way to remind yourself that God is there for you. It can also be a great book for newer Christians, to build up their knowledge of God's love even in dark times and have that sure faith at the ready when trials do come.

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