Saturday, October 14, 2017

Parenting Pointers: Nannies with Integrity

Nearly 60% of American households now retain a nanny of some sort for their children. With the prevalence of nanny shenanigans in the media (Gwen Stefani, Ben Affleck, Uma Thurman, etc.) parents are beginning to wonder if they should be concerned about who they have brought into their homes. And now Susan Sarandon's daughter is in a similar situation-having to fire her nanny for inappropriately texting her husband.

I had a chance to interview Florence Ann Romano, The Windy City Nanny for her take on the issue.

Do you think things like having an affair with the nanny is happening mainly to celebrity families, or is it happening equally often to families that are not in the limelight?

The media sensationalizes these scandals - regular families across the USA, and beyond, do not usually find themselves in the middle of a sordid, Hollywood moment! However, I am not going to pretend that it NEVER happens. Lust, infidelity, and temptation are not exclusive to just celebrities, which is why it is vital that you and your spouse are on the same page regarding the nanny you hire. If either of you feel an ounce of anything that's not wholesome, do not hire that nanny! Remember: the nanny is there to take care of your children. Bottomline.

Is there a way to screen for "naughty nannies" in the interview process?

I wouldn't come right out and say: "Do you plan on having an affair with my husband/wife?" That's not a great plan! But, you CAN require a uniform, which will enforce a conservative dress code in your home. The last thing you want is a nanny parading around in sexy attire - that's not a great example for your impressionable children, either. You also want to require references - ask their former employers if there was specifically any problems with behavior, dress code, professionalism, etc. This is a great way of vetting any "naughty nanny" acts right from the get-go.

What should a parent do if they suspect foul play from their current nanny?

Foul-play can be defined many different ways. You could be referring to interactions with the children; interactions with the parents; or even financial deception (i.e. stealing). If you do not have this activity caught on a nanny cam, then you will have to do your own intel, of which I completely approve! YOU are the patriarch or matriarch of your household, and YOU decide what the family rules are. Even if you just have an uneasy feeling, you can let your nanny go. Remember: he or she is an at-will employee, and the goal of a nanny is to bring you peace of mind. If your nanny is not providing that, then you should move on to another employee.

Do you think the employers (parents) should require a dress code or code of conduct for their nannies?

As I mentioned above, a dress code is a great way to ensure professionalism - at least from a physical stand point. You can NOT ask your nanny to dress sexy - that's harassment. But, you may ask them to wear an appropriate uniform. If they are unwilling, then they are not the nanny for you. Believe me, you will find someone that will abide by your family rules and values! It takes time, but it is worth the work and vetting. After all, the nanny is taking care of your most precious possessions in the entire world: your children. Don't settle for anything less than YOUR definition of the perfect nanny.

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