Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Healthy Habits: Why You Need a Humidifier in Your Baby’s Nursery

When setting up a baby’s nursery, expectant parents usually scan the internet and local shops for the best products to add to the nursery. They check safety standards of each product and tend to pick things that would last into the baby’s teen years. However, the overwhelming nature of stocking a nursery often makes them overlook one important thing –a good humidifier.
If you live in a hot and dry area, you have to do more for your baby than just placing him or her under a shade. Air in such places is often dry which makes it hard for your baby to breath. In winter, your home’s heating system takes away natural moisture in the air, leaving it dry. With a humidifier, you will be able to correct this imbalance.
When dry air takes its effects on your baby, you will notice that he or she is frequently battling with a stuffy nose, dry sinus, or a sore throat. These conditions make the baby uncomfortable, leading him or her to cry all the time. With a humidifier, you will prevent your baby from these infections and sicknesses that are often rampant when the air is dry and lacks any humidity.
After you install a humidifier in a child’s room, you will notice that the baby’s skin returns to its initial soft nature. The skin is so sensitive and will react to presence of moisture or lack of it quicker than an adult’s skin. If you notice patches on the child’s skin or chapped lips, then your kid is battling with dry air. If left unattended to, the kid may suffer from skin conditions such as eczema.
Whenever you choosing a humidifier to use in your child’s room, make sure to go for one that is less noisy. Go for those humidifiers that produce a rhythmic and comforting hum which will help your baby relax. It helps ward off sounds that may originate from outside your child’s room, helping him or her sleep peacefully.
There are two types of humidifiers to consider whenever you want to install one in your child’s room: a cool mist and warm mist humidifier.  A warm mist humidifier produces warm air that kills germs and virus which makes it the best humidifier for allergies and asthma patients. It also reduces the mucus build-up and helps a baby breath better. A cool mist humidifier, on the other hand, is recommended for young kids who would get injured when playing around warm things. It is also ideal for a child who is suffering from croup.

Having a humidifier in your child’s room is one of the best decisions you can make when it comes to keeping an infant healthy. It helps prevent nasal problems and improve the air quality. To ensure your kid sleeps well, lower your thermostat’s setting and turn on your warm mist humidifier.

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