Created by Mike Vago with illustrations by Matt Rockefeller, ROCKET: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE PAGES BOOK ($22.95; October 31, 2017), is an interactive experience perfect for kids who love space, science, and adventure. This book will have them maneuvering around floating space rocks, chasing comets, zooming by stars and more!
I had a chance to see a copy of this book. It was really cute. It's a great way to introduce kids to the wonders of the universe - or to reinforce a budding interest in space. The fact that kids can steer a rocket around the book adds to the interest, and makes it an engaging experience for the child. It also helps keep fidgety hands busy while they're being read to.
The easy-to-understand words and rhyming cadence help draw the kids through the book. The rocket is attached in a way that it slides easily through the track, but can't accidentally fall out of the book.
If you have young kids in your lives interested in space, this would make a unique book for them!
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