ArtSugar has joined the Pledge 1%, a global movement creating new normal where companies of all sizes integrate giving back into their culture and values. Pledge 1% empowers companies to donate 1% of product, 1% of equity, 1% of profit or 1% of employee time to causes of their choice. Thousands of companies around the world have taken the Pledge and shared their intent to give back through their company. Pledge 1% is an effort spearheaded by Atlassian, Rally, Salesforce and Tides to accelerate their shared vision around integrating philanthropy into businesses around the world. ArtSugar is excited to join Pledge 1%’s network of founders, entrepreneurs and companies around the globe that have committed to giving back. We have committed to pledging 1% of profit to our charitable partners.
“Salesforce is dedicated to changing the way companies think about corporate philanthropy,” said Suzanne DiBianca, EVP of corporate relations and chief philanthropy officer, Salesforce. “Today, we’re excited that ArtSugar is joining us in giving their resources back to the community. This is another great example of the power that business has to create change in our communities.”
“We are thrilled that ArtSugar has joined the Pledge 1% movement and is committed to sharing its success with the community,” said Scott Farquhar, co-founder and co-CEO, Atlassian. “Employees, shareholders, customers, and the community all benefit when a company builds giving back into its DNA. It’s one of the best decisions we ever made."
"We are incredibly excited that ArtSugar has taken the pledge," said Amy Lesnick, chief executive of Pledge 1%. "ArtSugar can play a pivotal role in building this movement and promoting a new normal in which all companies—big and small—integrate giving back as a core value in their business."
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