Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Website Spotlight: StackUp

StackUp (, the world’s first data-driven advisor ratings platform, has launched its public beta after completing a private beta. StackUp provides insight into the often murky world of financial advisors and planners by allowing users to receive an objective assessment of how their investments are doing against other similar investors.
“As a financial advisor myself, I often faced clients who wondered how to assess my performance, and I realized that while I knew I was doing a good job, there was no way to objectively prove that, which was frustrating,” says StackUp Co-Founder Jason Aronson, CFA. “While investors trust their advisors with their largest assets, they often have no objective view of performance and must put complete trust into the advisors’ hands--until now.”
StackUp is an independent platform that aims to provide transparent insight for investors about their advisors’ performance and to arm them with the questions and talking points necessary to discuss that performance with their advisor. The platform uncovers advisor fees, trading costs and fund fees that an investor is paying and lets the investor know if their fees are greater than other similar investors. StackUp also provides feedback on returns, allocation or how a volatile market or crash might affect the investors’ positions so they can understand how much they have to lose and make educated decisions with their advisor about their financial future. 
StackUp rates financial advisors, brokers and robo-advisors and can be used with any investment account, including retirement accounts and 529s. For those managing their own assets, StackUp can provide a performance review to help determine whether working with a professional financial advisor makes sense. StackUp provides continuous monitoring of the financial advisor’s performance and feedback for the investor.
About StackUp
StackUp is the world’s first data-driven advisor ratings platform, providing consumers objective insight into how their financial advisor is performing with their funds. StackUp was founded by a team of entrepreneurs including a financial advisor who realized that he never had a good answer for clients who asked him how to assess his performance. StackUp helps investors understand how their advisors are doing managing their funds as compared to other similar investors, explains the fees being charged, monitors the investments and provides the right questions to ask their advisors to help take control of their financial future. StackUp is a member of the DCU FinTech Innovation Center. For more information, visit

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