Monday, August 27, 2018

Enriching Education: Inspiring Bookworms

As parents, we know that instilling a love of reading in our kids is one of the most important things we can do. Reading exercises the brain, improves concentration, reduces stress, sparks imagination and even helps develop empathy. Plus, it can become a lifelong habit that provides a whole lot of FUN for your family. The people over at Go Organically Fruit Snacks put together some great tips to help parents inspire the next generation of bookworms.
Start Early
·         Research shows that it’s never too early to start enjoying books with your little one. Reading aloud to your newborn is a great way to introduce words while soothing baby with the sound of your voice. Older babies will start to associate words and sounds with pictures, getting them on the path to reading right from the start. Plus cuddling up with a book is the perfect way to bond!
Ready, Set, Reward
·         Try using a reading log or reward chart to encourage older kids who are starting to read on their own. Jot down the title of each book they read, or tally the number of pages and celebrate with an ice cream cone or a family picnic when they reach a predetermined total. Stickers work great, too! Some schools host reading challenges of their own, and most local libraries offer summer reading programs with a similar reward system.
Seek Out Literary Events
·         Make reading part of your family’s everyday entertainment by attending kid-friendly events. Hit up story time at your local library, or go to an author signing at your neighborhood bookstore. Shop your school’s book fair together or visit a used bookstore to hunt for forgotten treasures as a family. The idea is to associate books with fun memories and quality time.
Take a Listen
·         Audiobooks are gaining in popularity—and for good reason! They’re made for multitasking by allowing you to get immersed in a story while you’re otherwise occupied with household tasks like cooking or cleaning. They’re also great for road trips! Get invested in a classic as a family by listening to a family-friendly title in regular installments. Try an app or subscription service, or even borrow books on CD from your local library.
Follow Their Interests
·         Although you might be tempted to steer your kids towards educational books, let them choose subjects that capture their imagination. By encouraging your child’s passions—whether it’s superheroes, animals or even their favorite animated character—they’ll be more likely to stick to the habit of reading and eventually expand to other subject areas.

Happy reading from Go Organically Organic Fruit Snacks. I had a chance to try out these tasty snacks. Made with real fruit, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free kids snacks are a great accompaniment to your kid’s favorite book. I like them because my kids will eat them as happily as they'll eat candy, but they're a better option - and they're organic! Toss them in their backpack and off they go! Be sure to follow them on Facebook for more kid-friendly ideas.

Enter for a chance to Win
Go Organically Fruit Snacks has teamed up with First Book to provide one lucky school with Back-to-School kits filled with items they need! Vote for a deserving school—and be entered for a chance to win an e-reader, beanbag chair and more. Learn more here. (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be 18+. Ends 11:59 p.m. ET 8/29/18. For Rules, visit

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