Friday, November 16, 2018

Parenting Pointers: Spreading Kindness

November is Gratitude Month and World Kindness Day was on November 13th.  We have come a long way when it comes to bullying, but we will still have work to do.

The authors of Jangala Tribal Warriors believe the answer is through love, kindness and acceptance starting in our home and spreading out through our friends, communities, and schools.

The new Jangala book continues to deepen the teachings from the first book, Living, Growing and Learning from the Heart by introducing the Three Stands™ of the Nurtured Heart Approach®.

Parents learn a warm and caring environment that motivates children to perform at their best and kids learn about living peacefully through non-violence and standing up for one another while embracing diversity.
The book, geared towards children ages 3-11, is beautifully written and illustrated with a group of caring, heart-centered characters – a diverse group of animals in the rainforest. To start to understand the book, kids learn what Jangala, Tribe and Warrior mean.

Jangala -

This word comes from the land of India. It is almost the same as jungle. In India, there are rainforests.  Jangala is like your home, school and neighborhood. We want you to remember to take very good care of your Jangala.

Tribe -

The word tribe means a group of people. There are lots of ways to think about tribes.
  • Your family is a tribe.
  • You and the boys and girls in your class are a tribe.
  • Your school is a bigger tribe.
  • Your town or city is even a bigger tribe.
  • The world is the BIGGEST tribe – the HUMAN Tribe.

Warrior -

A brave person who fights for something she or he believes in. Warriors stand up for each other and they hold up the rules. In the Jangala, we are all warriors of peace.

The Three Stands™ are:

Stand 1

Absolutely No! I refuse to energize negative behavior.
Stand 2
Absolutely Yes! I will relentlessly energize the positive.
Stand 3
Absolute Clarity! I will maintain total clarity about rules that demonstrate fair and consistent boundaries.

In the book, the authors translate these stands into easy to understand rules for kids:

  • #1: No! No! No! to bad choices and bad behavior.
  • #2: Yes! Yes! Yes! to good choices and good behavior. Yes to finding greatness.
  • #3: We follow the rules. Time outs or consequences come when we break the rules.

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