Saturday, January 23, 2021

Book Nook: Better Sleep, Happier Life

I recently had a chance to review sleep expert Dr. Venkata Buddharaju’s natural methods to get a more restful and natural sleep with his book Better Sleep, Happier Life: Simple, Natural Methods to Refresh Your Mind, Body and Spirit.

 Dr. Buddha has decades of experience working with people on improving their sleep. In the book, he explains the importance of sleep and how it affects our health in surprising ways. He discusses how to get a well-rested night, and how to do so without the use of medication. 

One thing I really liked about the book was the holistic approach. He didn't view sleep as its own issue, but rather as something that affects and is affected by other areas of life. Some of his suggestions were ones that I've heard before, but the calm and wisdom with which he writes makes this book enjoyable to read - even if it's restating things I know.


“It’s not about how much time we spend in bed, it’s about how much time we are actually in deep, continuous and uninterrupted sleep,” says Dr. Buddha. “Sleep is a key component of happy life…and these tips can help you find the rest and refreshments in the midst of your busy life.”

This is a good book for anyone who is looking for ways to sleep better or who just needs more confirmation that it is ok to step back and slow down in order to preserve sleep.

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