The pandemic has opened up career options for some people while shutting down options for others. According to a recent study done by Woke Hero, 41% of people are unhappy with their current career status or financial goals.
What surprised us was not that people are unhappy - it’s that in general, people feel they can be confident in their jobs and coworkers. 74% report feeling confident when interacting with colleagues. 68% feel they can speak openly and honestly with their boss. So why are people not happy?
Avantika Dixit, Clinical Psychologist and founder of Woke Hero believes people can reach their goals more quickly than they expect, and it has to do a lot with their current mindset.
Dixit says, "The science of happiness, Positive Psychology, has conclusively determined that optimism, gratitude and resilience are the most consistent predictors of high performance and success outcomes across lifecycle. Most hearteningly, while these may be natural traits of some individuals, these have found to be learnable skills rather than something you either have or don't have. Evolution has obsoletely created a negativity bias due to which more people have their "wrong finder" turned on most of the time. This has absolutely no benefit today. We can always find something to celebrate about in life, just like we can find things to be unhappy about. People who focus on their inspiration and aspiration goals also often focus on the solutions to reaching those goals, whereas those who focus on their lack of results tend to focus on the problem. A small shift in mindset with learned optimism and gratitude practices can help people find ways to reach their goals more quickly.”
Woke Hero was created to help people overcome their personal limitations and find their inner hero, so they can be happy with their careers, finances and personal relationships.
I had a chance to interview Avarntika to learn more.
1. "Why is there such a large percentage of people not happy with their career?
AD: The pandemic has brought people face to face with their vulnerability to job loss and health loss risks and the value of the finite time to achieve meaningful goals. On the one hand this has activated a heightened survival mode, but on the other hand this has also helped people take a step back and objectively revaluate their priorities.
Woke Hero is an authority for future forward trends and solutions in the area of wellness, relationships, income and happiness. As the world crosses its 1-year anniversary of the pandemic and lockdown, we recently performed a data study surveying 600 people across the US on their sentiments in 2021. We learned many valuable insights and were not surprised to see that more than half the people felt they were not living their purpose or full potential in life.
The rat race has traditionally been all about the hustle and competitive success. In these grim times, instead of chasing short sighted career goals like promotions and bonuses, more than half the people reported a shift to purpose and potential actualization career goals"
2. What are some of the most common reasons for career dissatisfaction?
AD: There are many reasons. It could be a lack of autonomy or a lack of work life balance. It could be power distance or unfair balance of power or glass ceilings. It could be the Obsessive Comparison Disorder in the competitive success, stack ranking professional world. But the most common reason is feeling disconnected, uninspired, unrewarded. A high distance between personal passion-purpose and career responsibilities."
3. How can people determine whether they need to change their career or their mindset about it?
AD: A growth and potential actualization mindset is beneficial regardless of where one is. A career is never an event, it’s always a journey. Some questions to introspect on:
What got me here? What were the choices, circumstances or synchronicities that played a role. Has there been a shift in any of these? If I had to do over what would I do, knowing what I know now.
Where am I? How am I doing? How do I feel? What am I grateful for? What do I love about my career? What am I happy with? What don’t I like? Why?
Where do I want to go? What are my personal growth prospects? Have I outgrown my role or can I reinvent myself right where I am.
If I stay in this lane, how will i feel at the end of my time here.
4. How do career status and financial goals relate?
AD: Career status points to one's professional achievement satisfaction while financial goals relate with income and wealth building which may or may not be linked with career as a source of income. Sometimes one has to get a job to pay the bills, and that’s perfectly all right for some seasons, but a career is where one crafts one's vocational masterpiece over a lifetime.
5. What can people do to better align their progress with their financial goals?
AD: The best model for this to align with one's Ikigai. It’s a Japanese term literally meaning purpose of life. Woke Hero has a fabulous series called Hero Income, Impact and Ikigai. The first program in the series is GAP where you tap into the planetary ascension portal to supersize your sphere of influence and power. The second program is Hero Ikigai where you arrive at that magical sweet spot where your joy, purpose, income and expertise all line up in synchronicity. Finally there is Leela, the dance of mixed reality, where one navigates how to thrive as a cosmic being in a material world.
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