Thursday, August 12, 2021

Book Nook: Blocking My View

 Life is chock-full with many possibilities, and it is up to the individual to seek them out and capitalize on the opportunities. The truth is capitalizing on the opportunity can be difficult to capture because of the hurdles and mammoth impediments that are in the path to our destiny. Yet often we don’t see these opportunities. This is especially true now.  How can we recognize the opportunities all around us and take advantage of them?

I had a chance to interview Robert Bolton, author of the new critically acclaimed book, Blocking My View, to learn more.

Tell us about your book? This book is written to help people get past people in their families, churches, communities, and such to get to their destiny and to take responsibility for their own actions and successes regardless of the challenges faced by the let-downs of other people.

What led you to write it?  I just started writing one day. I was thinking about how people are often offended or hurt in church settings, but was reminded how people are not just hurt in church settings; but are hurt in various settings when dealing with the frailties of people.

What were some of the challenges in writing it? Some challenges came with budget issues and the desire to put out a quality product that would help people. Also, the fruitfulness of life where there are so many other things to do and other ways to serve. Juggling can be challenging.

What did you enjoy most about writing it? I enjoyed reading it and being amazed at the emotions I experienced by reading it; almost as if I didn't write it. Actually, I didn't write it, I was just an instrument used by the Holy Spirit.

Do you plan on writing additional books?  Perhaps - Mountain top living, He came for me, perhaps a part 2 to BMV. 
How can we learn to capitalize on opportunities like Amura?  We can realize that not everyone is out to destroy us, and realize that we all have issues. Take responsibility for our own success and actions and be accountable. Understand that if we tap into the resilience and fortitude that God has built in us, and keep moving forward, one step at a time, we will get to the greater destiny down the road.

Why do we so often miss out on opportunities right before us, do you think? We miss out because we stop moving forward. Just like this book. If I would have stopped writing, I would not have had the opportunity to minister to people through this work. If I would have stopped taking classes, I would not have my bachelor's degree. If I would have stopped Pastoring because some other quit, I would not have the opportunity to serve and lead others to Christ. Just because it is hard, does not mean we should stop. It is supposed to be hard.

What are some ways that we can work to see around or over obstacles and capitalize on opportunities?  Some ways is through prayer and resilience. Encourage yourself and listen to the encouraging voice on the inside of you that tells you positive things. Don't listen to the negative voice of the enemy.

How can we actively seek out opportunities in our lives? Actively seek out opportunities by keeping your eyes open while moving forward one step at a time. Steps are filled with opportunities. We won't see them, if we just stand still in one place.

What thoughts do you want readers to walk away with from Blocking My View?  I'd like readers to know that Jesus Christ is real. He desires a relationship with us and He loves us. That people are flawed, so we should not be surprised when people are people. We can overcome whatever comes our way. As long as we have breath in our bodies, we still have a chance. It is important to just keep moving forward. 

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