Friday, August 13, 2021

Enriching Education: The Power of Mentorship for High School Students

Having positive influences can be incredibly beneficial for teenagers. When a high school student has a mentor or a partner in their academic career, it can empower them in many areas in their life. It is a wonderful path to achieving their goals.

There are different types of mentoring— peer, supervisory, friendship, apprenticeship, and many others. Regardless of the model or type used, mentorship can be a powerful tool that parents can explore to maximize their children’s potential for success.

The Role of a High School Mentor 

What does a high school mentor do? They serve as a role model, and adviser, and provide the learner a safe environment built on trust. The relationship helps promote the growth and development of the student through the mentor’s experience.

It is the role of the mentor to support the mentee and create positive changes and make ways to improve the student's personal life. Via a one-on-one well-rounded and personalized education, high school mentorship opens doors to unlimited possibilities for the learner.

A mentor builds confidence, teaches resiliency, and integrity. So, if a learner is shy or lacks self-esteem, having a mentor can help him or her overcome these obstacles.

The mentor’s role is to analyze and understand the student’s fears, insecurities, and aspirations— with the singular vision of promoting the student’s best interests.

Choosing the Correct Professional Mentor

There are thousands of mentorship programs in the U.S., and parents have a lot of options when looking for a positive mentor for their child. 

What to look for in a professional mentor, therefore, is crucial. Overall, a parent’s goal when finding a mentor for their child should be to find someone willing to work as a team with the parent. Both people coming together should share the common goal of helping the child to achieve their highest potential. 

They should also look for mentors whose methods revolve around catering to your child’s needs and interests. 


As an example, Ivy Camps USA, an extracurricular education provider offering online mentorship for teenagers, makes professional mentorship fun in over 30 countries. Their fun and engaging mentorship programs make learners excited participants. Their methods are personalized to each student’s goals and interests, so students are much more likely to have a positive experience that creates a lasting impact on their future. They make it a point to communicate with parents, and keep all parties aligned on personal and professional goals that the student would like to achieve. 

Responsibilities of a Student Mentor

A mentor’s role in a nutshell is to help the learner. Therefore, a high school student mentor’s responsibility is to optimize a student’s educational experiences. 

The mentor should also share helpful details about his or her own career and personal success to the protege. 

Other mentor duties include helping the mentee:

  • Explore careers

  • Develop mutual respect

  • Set goals

  • Focus on the mentee’s growth

  • Avoid creating a clone of the mentor

  • Value the learner

Mentor: A Parent's Partner

Effective parenting molds a high school teenager into a successful and confident individual with strong coping mechanisms. The power of high school mentorship, then, can provide the parents with assistance in supporting the child beyond the home environment. The mentor is the parent’s partner in carving for the student the right path to a bright future.

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