Saturday, November 12, 2022

Fact Vs. Fiction

 According to author Yuval Noah Harari, money exists only because at some point in our past, humans agreed to believe in fiction. You can hold a $100 bill in one hand and a $1 bill in the other. Both are simply pieces of paper. The $100 bill is worth more only because we all agree to believe that it is.


Dr. Pieter Noomen created a website filled with lessons and stories he said he received from the Supreme Being. Fact or fiction? Regardless of your belief, the messages he offers for all to see have been enlightening and beneficial for untold thousands of people, and everyone can access it free, anytime, at   


What is reality and what is fiction? Clearly, the lines are somewhat blurred. It recalls the musings of Don Quixote in Don Miguel Cervantes’ novel, originally entitled in the year 1665 as The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha:


“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical may be madness. To surrender dreams, this may be madness. To seek treasures where there is only trash ... Too much sanity may be madness, and maddest of all is to see life as it is, and not as it should be.”


Dr. Noomen’s writings speak widely to “life as it is and life as it should be.” In his introduction to the section on reality, he wrote:


“The consistent message in all (these) writings is that the purpose of being on earth is to make individual personal choices; choices that can either further direct contact with the real, full reality or can do the opposite and limit our experience of being alive to what is familiar in the external world around us. Everyone is invited to discover, or rather uncover, reality as it truly is. … But what do I know? Maybe just a sincere desire to be honest and do good is enough and can lead to contact with other dimensions.”


Dr. Noomen worked as a psychotherapist and staff member at a Los Angeles church, completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam, and became senior minister of three Protestant churches. He died in 2019, but his writings remain available to everyone on his website.


Among his messages: "One truth, one reality sounds intriguing, but what does it mean? All that exists has to be taken as a full-fledged part of reality … Everything that occurs is adding its own truth to life … Denying the oneness of reality amounts to being delusional … Not recognizing the oneness of all universes in having the same life principles and being part of the one family of love does not just limit any true understanding of one's place in life, but also leads to a barrage of false conclusions. People on earth are so used to their ideas of what is real and true that they forget that anything not perfect is an aberration."


An example of Dr. Noomen’s “Wisdoms of the Week” from his website (

"The horror of violence the media report day after day makes us ask: 'Will it ever stop?’ The sad answer is: 'No, it won't.’ For the simple reason that our earth and we on it are produced for the wrong reason. Eventually, earth will be replaced. It cannot be repaired. The best we can do is doing the best we can. 'Best' being: having, against the odds, love, consideration, respect and caring-for-all on the top of our priority list. It makes facing death easier and will solicit smiles now. Like the sun, life and the Real Reality shines through all of us.”

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