Monday, September 11, 2023

Fun Freetime - The most Instagrammable State Fair


  • Minnesota State Fair is the most popular on social media, with over 365,000 hashtags on Instagram and 132m TikTok views
  • Texas State Fair is the second most popular, with 339,000 Instagram hashtags and 128m TikTok views
  • Iowa, Indiana, and Florida round out the top five


According to new research, the Minnesota State Fair is the most popular on Instagram and TikTok in the U.S.


JeffBet analyzed the number of Instagram hashtags and TikTok views for each State Fair to see which ones the public snapped the most.


1. Minnesota


Minnesota State Fair is the most Instagrammable and TikToked State Fair in the U.S., with over 365,400 hashtags on Instagram and 132 million TikTok views. The hashtag ‘#mnstatefair’ is the most popular, with 267,427 Instagram posts and 79 million TikTok views. It is the second-largest State Fair by attendance behind Texas. 


2. Texas


Texas State Fair, AKA ‘Big Tex’, reportedly the largest in the U.S. by attendance, ranks second most popular on Instagram and TikTok, with over 339,485 Instagram posts and 128 million TikTok views. The hashtag '#statefairoftexas’ is the most popular, used on over 188,470 Instagram posts and viewed over 69 million times on TikTok. 


3. Iowa


Iowa State Fair ranks third on both platforms, with over 104,805 Instagram posts and 98 million TikTok views. The most popular hashtag, ‘#iowastatefair,’ features in over 101,065 Instagram posts and has been viewed 98 million times on TikTok. 


4. Indiana


Indiana State Fair takes fourth place with 55,957 Instagram posts and 66 million TikTok views. The hashtag '#indianastatefair’ has been used on over 53,314 Instagram posts and viewed 66 million times on TikTok. Indiana State Fair is less popular on Instagram, ranking ninth. However, it ranks 4th on TikTok, contributing most of its total. 


5. Florida


Florida State Fair is fifth overall. It’s less popular on Instagram, with over 40,848 posts, ranking twelfth. However, the fair places fifth on TikTok, with over 52 million views. The hashtag '#floridastatefair’ features the most, is used in over 34,279 Instagram posts, and has 44 million TikTok views. 


6. California


California State Fair ranks sixth on both platforms, with 62,956 Instagram posts and 51 million TikTok views. The hashtag '#castatefair has been used on over 29,112 posts on Instagram and viewed over 43 million times on TikTok, which puts the festival in sixth position.


7. Arizona


Arizona State Fair places seventh on TikTok and Instagram, with over 62,809 Instagram posts and 45 million TikTok views. The hashtag '#arizonastatefair’ has been viewed over 24 million times on TikTok, and the hashtag '#azstatefair’ is used most on Instagram, appearing in over 37,691 posts. 


8. North Carolina


North Carolina State Fair ranks eighth. It is the fourth most Instagrammable festival and eighth most popular on TikTok. The festival has over 104,322 Instagram posts and 44 million TikTok views. '#ncstatefair’ is the most used hashtag, generating almost all 44 million TikTok views and over 100,223 Instagram posts. 


9. West Virginia


West Virginia State Fair takes ninth place. The festival ranks below average in terms of Instagram tags, appearing in 8,742 posts, which ranks 31st in the U.S. However, it’s the ninth most viewed on TikTok, at over 28 million. '#statefairofwestvirginia’ receives over 22 million views on TikTok, and '#wvstatefair’ is used most in over 5,319 Instagram posts. 


10. Oklahoma


Oklahoma State Fair takes tenth place, ranking 17th on Instagram and tenth on TikTok. There are over 23,911 Instagram posts and 27 million TikTok views. '#okstatefair’ sees the most activity in over 12,030 Instagram posts, and receives over 17 million TikTok views.


A spokesperson from JeffBet commented:


'State Fairs showcase the best of each region’s food and culture and are a way for families to have fun while supporting their local community. However, not many studies have revealed their popularity on social media, especially amongst Gen Z and Alpha. This data reveals that the Minnesota State Fair is the most popular on TikTok and Instagram, generating an eye-watering 132 million views on TikTok alone. Despite housing only approximately 1.7% of the U.S. population, Minnesota’s State Fair generates around one in six of total online activity, even beating out Texas to the top spot.

Sources: TikTok, Instagram

Post courtesy of which commissioned the data. 


Journo Research operates as’s Digital PR agency.

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