Thursday, September 7, 2023

Healthy Habits - Keeping Baby Cool

Due to their small size and regulatory systems not yet being fully developed, babies and toddlers are more susceptible to the heat, and the risks that can come with it. This can unfortunately result in heat-related illnesses like sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke -  making prioritizing your child’s safety in the sun vital.

That’s why the trusted team at Your Baby Club has provided 8 tips to help you keep your babies and toddlers cool, comfortable and, most importantly, safe during the heatwave. 

The full content is available below or for more insight from Your Baby Club please just let me know 

  1. Hydration 

Keeping your baby or toddler hydrated is essential, but especially in warm weather. Whether it’s breast milk, formula, or water if they’re older than 6 months, make sure to carry extra bottles with you if you’re out of the house. You can also bring along hydrating fruits and veggies like watermelon, strawberries and cucumber to help your little one rehydrate.

  1. Cool clothing

Dressing for summer can even be hard for adults, but the same rules apply to babies. Dress your baby in loose-fitting, lightweight materials that are breathable and allow air circulation, such as cotton and linen. Choosing light-colored clothing is also important, as lighter colors don’t attract and retain heat like darker-colored clothing does. 

  1. Stay out of direct sunlight

Whether you’re out taking a stroll with the pram or you’re at a family BBQ, it’s important to keep your baby out of direct sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Position yourself in areas of shade, like under an umbrella or in a sun tent, and ensure that your baby is wearing a sunhat and clothing that protects their skin from the sunlight. 

  1. Apply suncream

For older babies over the age of 6 months, you can apply a child-friendly sun cream that has a high SPF of 30 or 50, even if they are not in direct sunlight. This is also important on overcast summer days, as the sun’s rays can still be shining through, even when it is cloudy. 

  1. Limit outdoor activity

As babies and toddlers are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses, it’s best to avoid being outside in the sun and heat for long periods of time. Whilst a day at the beach might seem like a fun, family day out, when the temperatures are too hot, this can be potentially dangerous for your little ones. 

  1. Create a cool sleeping space 

Sleeping during hot weather can be extremely difficult, which is why it’s important to create a cool and comfortable sleeping environment. If you don’t have air conditioning, try using fans, or keeping the curtains closed but the windows open for ventilation without the sun getting in. You can also choose more lightweight bedding for the summer months, alongside breathable sleepwear. 

  1. Lukewarm baths

If bathing your little one is part of their bedtime routine, then you’ll be happy to know it can be the perfect way to cool them down. Simply opt for a cooler, lukewarm bath (not cold) to help reduce their temperature before bedtime.

  1. Look out for signs of overheating

Knowing the signs of overheating in your baby or toddler can be essential for keeping them safe during the summer months. Things to watch out for can include fussiness, flushed skin, rapid breathing, and excessive sweating. If you notice any of these warning signs, take immediate measures to cool your little one down, or if you’re concerned and need help, contact a doctor or the hospital. 

Post courtesy of 

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