Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Dance

Enjoy this piece of prose from J. L. Baumann, author of Mountain Spirits Speak              

                    The Dance

The hope of all things wished to be, when seeking a new reality, comes only with availability. And thus you venture forth to see if anyone will take your hand. In true romantic fashion you await that golden opportunity where chance intersects with the passion of your soul and you take the offer with abandon.

Although you are aware the room is full, this moment is for you and you alone. The enchantment is all yours to savor. The reality around you becomes nothing more than a blur as you are now riding upon the carousel of all your dreams come true, while everyone else has only become a witness. 

“How long will this last?” becomes your next thought, arriving at the zenith of your destiny. “How long will this last?” you ask yourself once more, attempting to indelibility etch this moment unto eternity. 

Rhetorically you refuse to answer, embracing the obvious, -that a single dance does not a chorus make.     

                                                                                                                                                                    J.L. Baumann

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