Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Thrifty Thinking - Best Cities for Garage Sales


Which cities are best for finding hidden gems at yard sales?

To mark the annual 127 Yard Sale — The World’s Longest Yard Sale, starting Aug. 1 — Lawn Love ranked 2024's Best Cities for Scouring Garage Sales.
How does St. Paul stack up in some key metrics (1st = Best)?
  • Number of Yard and Garage Sales - 17th
  • (Fewest) Average Number of Very Hot Days - 115th
  • Percentage of Homes With Garages - 139th
  • Google Search Interest - 21st

How does St. Paul compare with other Minnesota cities (1st = Best)?

  • Minneapolis - 7th
  • Plymouth - 170th
  • Bloomington - 250th
  • Rochester - 298th
  • Duluth - 304th

To come up with our ranking, we compared the 500 biggest U.S. cities based on 4 categories. More specifically, we looked at the number of yard sales and estate sales, yard size, and share of homes with garages, among 10 total metrics.

Read the full story here: 

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