Saturday, August 3, 2013

Soul Sustenance: Finding God in the Bible

Disclosure: I received complimentary products to facilitate this post. All opinions are my own.

I'm not sure what I expected when I got a chance to read Finding God in the Bible. Based on that part, I expected it to be pretty much a book that told me what I already knew about who God was. Then I looked at the subtitle - What Crazy Prophets, Fickle Followers and Dangerous Outlaws Reveal about Friendship with God - and was much more intrigued.

The author, Darren Wilson, is the founder of Wanderlust Publications, a production company aimed at advancing the Kingdom of God. Although he doesn't overtly focus on it in the book, he brings up several times talking to God and listening to God on a more direct level than most people seem to experience. And through this lens, he looks at the God of the Bible in terms of His relationship with other people. The book has a very casual tone, not at all stuffy (with headings like "All the Weirdos in the Old Testament" and "Born in a Bunch of Crap"). This makes it much more accessible for those who want to see God as a friend. I definitely feel like this book was enlightening and interesting.

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