Thursday, August 8, 2013

World Wisdom: Ways to Save Energy With Your Appliances (Guest Post)

Image Courtesy of pmsyyz via Flickr (CC by SA 2.0)
Every summer the electric bills seem to go through the roof as the summer gets hotter and the air conditioner runs more and more. It is important to think about ways that you can save money every day while using your appliances. Saving energy at home is not just good for your wallet. It has the added benefit of being good for the environment, as well. Here are some easy ways you can save energy with your home appliances.

Save Energy with Your Dryer
Image Courtesy of erixl via Flickr (CC by 2.0)
There are several ways that you can save energy with your dryer. The most obvious way is to line dry as many items as you can. This is not always practical depending on the time of year and where you live, but you can reduce your electricity bill if you do it for even a few loads a month. Another way you can save money is to do several loads consecutively. This allows your dryer to stay warm between loads and helps you save money. Finally, you can save money by making sure the lint traps are clean so the machine can work more efficiently. A dryer is one of the most common household appliances, and these tips will help when you are focused on saving energy
Save Energy with Your Washer
Your washing machine is another home appliance that you can use to save energy. The easiest way to do this is to use cold water for as many loads as you can. You may want to wash your towels and sheets in hot water, but if you can switch to cold for everything else, you will be saving energy at home. Another way that you work on saving energy is to make sure you are running full loads each time you wash. This will reduce the number of loads you do each week.
Save Energy with Your Water Heater
Your water heater is one of the household appliances that many people forget about because they do not see it every day. However, there are a few tricks that you can do to save money and energy with your water heater. One is to set your water temperature a few degrees lower. If you have young children at home, you may want to do this any way to help prevent your children from being burned. Another way you can use to save on energy with your water heater is by wrapping it in a water heater blanket. This will reduce the amount of heat that escapes from your water heater.
Save Energy by Buying New Appliances
While you cannot buy all new appliances right now, one you can save money is to be sure that you buy energy saving models as you slowly replace the appliances in your home. You can use coupons for appliances in your home. One great place to get them is at By switching to energy saver appliances, you can reduce your electric bill significantly.

Author bio: Zhuang Ping is a freelance writer. She’s happy with the best of everything: fashion, entartainment, book, education, home improvement, flower, and more. One of her favorite blogs is PromoCode4Share, a blog that helps consumers find the best tips for saving money, family and shopping.

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