Wednesday, January 15, 2014

E.G. Daily Interview

E.G. Daily is best known as the voice of 'Tommy Pickles' on Nickelodeon's hit cartoon "Rugrats" and 'Dottie' from the iconic 80's cult classic movie PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE. E.G. had a recent resurgence in her career after she stunned judges with her moving rendition of Faith Hill's "Breathe" on NBC's "The Voice."

The Los Angeles native started her career at an early age with roles on "Lavern and  Shirley", "Chips" and "Fame". Deciding to focus on pursuing music during the 80's dance music explosion led by Madonna's producer Jelly Bean Benitez, she created 3 top 10 hits including "Say It, Say It" by Benitez which went #1 on the Billboard dance charts. E.G. has never stopped signing and has produced, composed and performed her own songs and being featured on over 30 film soundtracks including SCARFACE (Al Pacino) and MY SISTER'S KEEPER (Cameron Diaz). 
Her one of a kind voice opened even more doors for E.G. and she chose to transition into becoming a voiceover actress. Daily became, and gave life, to Tommy Pickles on Nickelodeon's "Rugrats" making the catch phrase "A baby's got to do what a baby's got to do" widely recognizable. She also voices the iconic kids characters of Buttercup on Cartoon Network's "The Powerpuff Girls", Bam Bam on "The Flinstones", Mockingbird on "The Avengers" and many many more. E.G. has also lent her voice to characters on the big screen in films including WRECK IT RALPH as well as HAPPY FEET and HAPPY FEET II.

I had a chance to interview her to find out more!

1)   How did you make the transition from live acting to cartoon voices?
Earlier in my career I was in a play called Tanzi at the Roxy Theater in LA and I played a female wrestler and with each round of the play, I grew a few years older. My agent, who I still work with today, heard me and told me that I’m great with my voice, especially the kid voices and the next thing I knew he was sending me on my first audition for a cartoon which I booked and became Tommy Pickles on “Rugrats.”
2)   What led to your appearance on "The Voice"?
I went to a birthday party for a friend and the host asked me if I’d sing a song on her internet show, “Balcony TV LA” and of course I said yes! She then asked if I’d host a few episodes of the show and of course, I said yes again because I just love music.  A few months later she said to me “I hope you don’t mind but I got you an audition for ‘The Voice.’” I didn’t think they would even have me on the show because of my history in music and my past work but after months of auditions and preparations, I landed at the blind auditions and made TEAM BLAKE!
3)   How has your family supported you throughout the years?
My family has always been there for me and given me lots of love and support!  I have received so much incredible support not only from my family and friends but also my fans!  They just believed in me and my dreams without ever having a question or doubt in my abilities.
4)   What are your tips for juggling career and family life?
Balance! You have to make a practice of being a balanced person filled with children, work, love, family, friends, hobbies, exercise and spirituality. When I become too obsessed about one thing, I try to relax by remembering to keep the balance.

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