Saturday, March 26, 2016

Consumer Critique: Zim's Max Crack Creme

Originally developed over 60 years ago to treat cement workers' cracked, dry hands and feet, Zim’s Max Crack Creme is a naturally based herbal formula perfect for softening and moisturizing your rough skin and tough patches on your elbows and feet. Simply massage a small amount of Zim’s Crack Creme where needed a few times a day to help achieve smoother, softer skin.

I had a chance to try out two of the products: Original Liquid Formula and Creamy Daytime Formula. Just to clarify - the "naturally based herbal formula" won't meet some users' definition of "natural," since the daytime formula is not paraben-free (however, the original formula didn't have any ingredients that stood out to me). Both contain arnica extract; the daytime formula also has aloe vera in it. Using Zim's did show significant improvement in my cracked heals after only a few uses.

Right now, when you follow them, you can save 15%. You can find Zim's on their website, at online retailers like Amazon and, or at Walgreen's, Rite Aid, Walmart, and a variety of other retailers.

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