Friday, September 30, 2016

Music Minute: Jennifer Paskow - Make a Circle

Jennifer Paskow spends her time volunteering to perform at hospitals, special ed schools, and benefits for causes she believes in because each experience reaffirms the ability of music to uplift, heal, and empower. As music uplifts her listeners, she also uses these experience to create her music. I had a chance to review the album, full of happy and joyful songs to celebrate the essence of life - love, light, and beauty. Love is central to the album, encouraging self-love and accepting those around us, embracing differences as what makes every person special.

I loved listening to her voice. It's rich and sweet, the kind of female vocalist that my husband and I love to hear. I also enjoyed her message - loving others, loving ourselves, and loving the earth and the universe. She uses traditional influences, like an Irish blessing and Gospel song This Little Light, but also has some very original compositions as well.

A trained music therapist and children's yoga teacher, Jennifer Paskow has been an exponent of healing since she was a child.  When not recording or performing publicly, Jennifer can be found teaching yoga to kids living in shelters and sharing her music with hospitalized children and their families as a volunteer with the acclaimed organization The Art of Elysium. Says Jennifer, "Singing for kids in the hospital is a real highlight for me.  I always walk away feeling joyfully inspired and rooted in my purpose.  I've been doing community service since I was nine years old, and hte ideas of giving back and supporting my community are deeply ingrained in my being.  I believe in the interconnectedness of all life and that, as we give, we are receiving."

Make A Circle will be available on iTunes, Amazon, and CDBaby.

Jennifer Paskow's website HERE.
Jennifer Paskow
on Facebook
  Jennifer Paskow on Twitter

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