Thursday, April 27, 2017

Caring Causes: 50/50 Day for Gender Equity

Most parents strive to raise their children to be kind, thoughtful, and accepting little humans – along with being socially conscious of the world they will one day inherit. Teaching children at a young age to believe and champion gender equality has become more and more important over time, and the inaugural 50/50 DAY on May 10, 2017 offers the perfect opportunity to remind children and young adults that a gender-balanced world is a better world for everyone
The first-ever 50/50 Day is set aside to spark global conversation among thousands of organizations, companies, schools, museums, libraries and homes about what it will take to get to a more gender-balanced world in all sectors of society.
Scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 50/50 Day is a revolutionary global initiative based on the unique model of another global day the team founded, Character Day, which last year had over 93,000 screenings in 125 countries and all 50 states. Now it’s time to take on gender equality. 
You can screen the Let It Ripple film 50/50: Rethinking the Past, Present, and Future of Women + Power” at home and use discussion questions (catered to ages 7-9, 10-14, 15-18, and 19-99+) to have an open and honest conversation with your children about gender equality.
Spearheaded by Emmy-nominated filmmaker, founder of The Webby Awards, and mother of two Tiffany Shlain, 50/50 Day goes far beyond politics and boardrooms to explore how a more gender-balanced world is better for everyone.

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