"ANGELS" is the epic story about the ancient war between the angels and Lucifer's demons. This timeless tale of hope versus despair, angels versus demons, is told through the eyes of Sera, the Angel of Light. Though she is gifted with the power to control light, she aspires to a more heroic role. Facing the opposition of Lucifer and the chaos he has created, Sera must find the courage to rise in victory over him and fulfill her true purpose.
The story comes through well on this album, and it's great to listen to. It's not like a traditional worship album, but tells a story instead.
Produced by Mark Kang and Marcus Cheong, who also co-wrote the musical with Ken Lai, "ANGELS" is the epic story about the ancient war between the angels and Lucifer's demons. This timeless tale of hope versus despair, angels versus demons, is told through the eyes of Sera, the Angel of Light. Though she is gifted with the power to control light, she aspires to a more heroic role. Facing the opposition of Lucifer and the chaos he has created, Sera must find the courage to rise in victory over him and fulfill her true purpose.
"It is more than just an entertaining album," said Kang. "We believe listeners will feel the presence of God as they follow the angel Sera through this epic journey of good vs. evil and experience the hope that is found in living with faith."
"I believe God's grace was working even in the midst of great loss and devastating storms," said Cheong. "We are so grateful to be given this second chance to share the story and music of 'ANGELS' with everyone. This album gives a message of hope and God's promise that we are never alone and that all things work together for His good. We believe it is something so many people need to hear right now."
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