Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Book Nook: Anywhere, Anytime Art

Walter Foster’s Anywhere, Anytime Art series teaches readers to create in a variety of mediums no matter the time or place.

There are two books in the series: Anywhere, Anytime Art: Gouache and Anywhere, Anytime Art: Colored Pencil.

I didn't review the Gouache book, but if it's anything like the colored pencil book, it will be great for both beginners and those looking for a few new techniques.

The book clearly describes tools and materials for success, as well as basic techniques and color theory to help make art even better. This series is different from other art books in that it also has techniques and tips for creating art "anywhere, anytime" - not just at home, but while traveling, waiting, and more. There are specific projects that are based on a variety of subjects, so there's something to interest just about everybody.

My daughter loved this book. When we go to church, we allow our kids to do something during the sermon as long as it relates to the message, whether that's writing about the readings, drawing, or working on a kids' Bible study page. This gave my daughter even more ways to improve her art, as well as the best way to have tools on hand for use anywhere.

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