Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Parenting Pointers: Being Okay and Making Change

Thought Leader and Transformational Life Coach, Krista Rizzo is Founder/CEO of Why Am I Yelling, and has been featured in TODAY Parents, Forbes, HuffPost, New York Post, Flipboard, NY Family Magazine, podcasts, online summits and more.

From the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins researchers we’ve learned the many benefits of a positive mindset, including benefits to our lives and health. An article in the Chicago Tribune sums up, “A positive mental attitude benefits health, longevity and quality of life.” Krista Rizzo works hard every day to make sure other women know how powerful they truly are. Krista inspires women and teens to learn how to accept, embrace and most importantly CREATE change in their lives.

Krista Rizzo introduces herself as “The World's Okayest Mom to two amazing boys.” As a life coach, Krista focuses on helping others navigate their journey by addressing their fears, embracing their milestones and encouraging a creative and positive family dynamic.

I had a chance to interview her to learn more.

Why do you use the term "okayest mom?"   
Because I feel like we, as mothers, collectively put so much pressure on ourselves to be "perfect" and we're constantly feeling guilty and let down because of it. I'm the okayest mom because I allow myself grace to be human every day. I'm doing the best I can at the most difficult job on the planet. I want other moms to know that their best doesn't have to be perfect, it can be okay too.  There are a million ways to be a good mom, each one of us is different. We should all be celebrated for the jobs were doing. Our kids are not going to remember the details we think are so important. They're going to remember the blunders and times that made them laugh or feel safe. If we're all trying to achieve "perfection" because we're worried about being judged by other moms, I say F them - you do you in the best way you know how. We're not put on this earth to impress others, we're put here to make lives better because we're in them. It's time to stop trying to be perfect and accept your me, it's way more fun and a lot less stressful! 

Why do moms often end up in a rut, even if they know they need change? 
Oh boy, got an hour? Most of the mom's I work with are too scared to take their leap. Change is hard. We convince ourselves to stay in the status quo because it's safe. But safe will eventually end up sucking the life out of you, and that can be dangerous for your health and your relationships. I've been there - stayed too long in a job I didn't love because it paid the bills. I know what it's like to crave change and be afraid to initiate it. Until one day I woke up and realized that I wanted more out of my life. I wanted more experiences, more adventure and way more time to create the life I was dreaming of. It takes a lot of work, patience and dedication, but once you know how to create your change, you'll never look back!

How can moms get support from their family to make the changes they need to make? 
One thing I say all the time is "communication is the single most important element in every relationship" and that's a million percent true. If you're struggling with lack of communication in your relationships, then you're fighting an uphill battle. You have to be able to express your wants, needs and feelings. You have to be able to ask your people to help you. I used to be the person who did it all until I couldn't mentally and emotionally handle it anymore. I needed help, with the easiest things. So I had a mini melt down and during my sobbing on the bedroom floor, my husband asked me what I needed. That's when I asked for help, which by the way, he gladly provided. Had I known it would have been that easy, I would've done it years ago. ASK for help. Be honest with your needs. I'd be willing to bet the conversation goes in your favor. 

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