- Lou Knows What to Do: Doctor’s Office, and Lou Knows What to Do: Restaurantby Kimberly Tice and Venita Litvak follows the lovable Lou (who is on the autism spectrum), as he tackles new situations (such as going to the doctor’s office and going to a restaurant) with his special bubble wand to help him face challenges.
I had a chance to interview the author to learn more.
Why did you create the Lou Knows What to Do series?
Both of us were working in a charter school for children with autism where speech therapists facilitated many whole group language groups. We were constantly writing our own social stories and looking for high quality literature to use in these groups. We noticed a real lack of literature for children with autism. Not many stories had characters with autism or social instruction to help build functional skills.
How can story books help kids learn about social interactions?

How can parents extend the learning from the books?
We include tips and guidelines along with comprehension questions for caregivers to use at the end of each book.
Parents can use the comprehension questions to assess their child’s understanding. They can also engage in pretend play to practice various social scenarios. Frequent community outings are also recommended to help children function in real life social scenarios.
These books are excellent for home libraries and also great for classroom and school libraries as well.
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