Saturday, January 12, 2019

Amazing App: Natural Cycles

Enter Natural Cycles. The “brain” behind this app is a smart algorithm that can accurately determine a woman’s daily fertility by analyzing changes in her basal body temperature, which increases after ovulation. To use Natural Cycles, women are required to take their temperature with a basal thermometer first thing in the morning and enter the information into the app. That data builds into a personalized fertility indicator that identifies green days, when no protection is needed, or red days, when they should use condoms or abstain from sex to prevent a pregnancy. The App is 93% effective*, natural method of contraception.

The video is with Dr. Elina Berglund, PhD, CTO and co-founder, Natural Cycles. Dr. Elina Berglund is a truly fascinating woman. As a former member of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Elina was part of the team that discovered the Higgs Boson particle – one of the most significant discoveries in particle physics, which went on to win a Nobel Prize. The idea for Natural Cycles was first conceived when Elina and her husband Raoul started to think about having a family. Using the techniques she had learned through the Higgs Boson project, Elina created an algorithm to help predict fertility by analyzing temperature readings, taking factors like sperm survival, temperature fluctuations, variations in cycle length, ovulation day, and the length of the follicular and luteal phase into account to identify fertile and infertile days.The app has been a huge success, helping women around the world become more aware and in control of their bodies.

Dr. Berglund isjoined by Dr. Juan Acuna, Chair of the Department of Medical Health and Sciences Research at Florida International University. Dr. Acuna is one of the industry’s leading voices on gynecology and public health, and lectures all over the world. Dr. Acuna has extensive experience in high risk obstetrics and gynecology, clinical genetics, and clinical and public health/epidemiology, as both a teacher and a practitioner. Dr. Acuna is a proud proponent of Natural Cycles.

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