Friday, May 24, 2019

Drunk Shopping Survey has released its fourth annual study revealing Americans have spent an estimated $39.4 billion on spontaneous drunk purchases in the past year. That’s more than last year’s $30.43 billion.

An estimated 53.4 million (26%) of American adults admit to making a purchase under the influence. On average, Americans spent $736 per person on drunk purchases. This is up from last year’s $447.50.

The full report can be found here:

It sounds like men are racking up more than a bar tab, spending an average $870 on drunk purchases, compared to women who spent only $511.

When it comes to the generations, millennials spent the most drunk, dishing out a whopping $1,047. That’s more than double the spending of baby boomers ($466) and Gen X ($469).

Among the people who admit to shopping drunk, the top three most common purchases are food (52.1%), shoes and clothing (43.2%) and cigarettes (30.3%).

Commentary from Consumer Advocate, Rachel Dix-Kessler:

“Some Americans could be recovering from a hefty bill after their weekend festivities, considering 26% of those who drink admitted to making a purchase under the influence in the past year.”

“Nothing says buzzkill like a dent in your bank account after a night of drinking, particularly since the average drunk shopper drops a hefty $736 on purchases.”

“If you find you’re add-to-the-cart happy while under the influence, remove all payment methods on your apps and online accounts, and download a shopping stopper like’s Icebox to replace buy-now buttons on major retailer’s sites. If you’re going out, leave your credit cards to a night in.”

“Most important, if this is an ongoing problem, consider evaluating your relationship with alcohol. Nothing is worth tarnishing your personal and financial well-being.”

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