Alina Celeste's music is creative, joyous, and eclectic, much like her hometown, Miami, Florida. As a child, she thrived in a multi-cultural, multi-generational environment that held no reservations about the phrase "I love you ... Te quiero."
As Alina explains, "After living in Los Angeles and touring America for the better part of a decade, when I moved back to Miami, I realized how much my childhood was blessed by this uncommon metropolis. It became my mission to share my hometown's culture with the world at large and to celebrate the many loving relationships that have been part of my life. The album title, Love is Te Quiero, makes me smile because it is reflective of how people often speak in Miami -- saying something in one language and then immediately in the other!"
The songs on Love is Te Quiero carry message of love, acceptance, and friendship in a fusion of bluegrass, Caribbean, Latin American, and contemporary styles that, like Alina herself, speaks to the unity of America: one loving, respecting, accepting hemisphere where North, South, and Central define location rather than division.
Alina Celeste has taught, performed, and presented workshops and master classes throughout the United States and internationally in cities as far-flung as Santiago de Atitlán in Guatemala and Kempsey and Melbourne in Australia. Alina is on the board of The Children's Music Network and wholeheartedly believes in that organization's mission to bring music education to every child and honor every child's experience through music. With Hamlet Meneses, she co-founded the Being Bilingual Rocks Foundation. Through the Foundation, she hopes to celebrate bilingual life by working to make it the norm rather than the exception, to encourage children to not only learn multiple languages but also engage with other cultures, and to provide children in communities that are not typically represented in the media with mirrors of their own experiences and languages.
Love is Te Quiero will be available at CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon.
Alina Celeste June/July Chicago Area Library Tour
June 5 - Park Ridge Public Library, Park Ridge, IL
June 5 - Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin, IL
June 6 - Fountaindale Public Library, Bolingbrook, IL
June 7 - Glencoe Public Library, Glencoe, IL
June 8 - New Lenox Public Library, New Lenox, IL
June 8 - Northlake Public Library, Northlake, IL
June 10 - Des Plaines Public Library, Des Plaines, IL
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Visit Alina Celeste's website HERE.
Alina Celeste on Facebook.
Alina Celeste on Instagram.
Alina Celeste on YouTube.
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