Friday, June 28, 2019

Book Nook: There's a Monkey in My Backpack

Having a learning difficulty can be doubly frustrating. First of all, there's the frustrations that the learning difficulty itself presents. Then, there's the frustration (especially for kids) of describing it to others. There's a Monkey in My Backpack aims to help with that second frustration.

It's an easy to read book, with bold illustrations and a relatable plot. The monkey in the backpack causes chaos and creates difficulty, generally making it hard for the poor student to get ahead. But what I really like is that it's not just all about frustrations - towards the end of the book, we see that there are some upsides to having a unique perspective compared to other classmates.

I liked how this book was not too long, but still had a enough detail to help kids relate. It also was specific enough that the challenges are easy to understand, but general enough that kids with a variety of different challenges and at a variety of different levels will be able to see themselves in the book.

Don M. Winn is a multiple award-winning children’s author of thirteen picture books and the Sir Kaye the Boy Knight® series of novels for independent readers. As a dyslexia advocate and a dyslexic himself, he frequently addresses parents and educators on how to maximize the value of shared reading time and how to help dyslexic and other struggling readers to learn to love to read. Winn lives and writes in Round Rock, Texas.
In addition to his latest picture book, Winn’s first nonfiction book, Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know is forthcoming this fall. In October, Winn will be the keynote speaker at the Central Texas Dyslexia Conference.
Find out more at and connect with the author on:

Theres a Monkey in My Backpack! will be available through Amazon as well as additional retailers by request.

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