Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book Nook: How to Travel with Kids (Without Losing Your Mind)

As someone filled with wanderlust who took our kids on their first international trip at five and seven, I was excited to see someone else's input in How to Travel with Kids (Without Losing Your Mind).

AJ Ratani and Natasha Sandhir urge parents with young children to travel now, instead of waiting years for their children to grow - and this is something I am so glad we did. While the first major trip definitely had its issues, we built memories as a family that had a major impact - they love to travel they're curious about other countries, and they're more well-informed when it comes to being interested in global issues.

The book has a philosophy about being flexible (which becomes an acronym) and covers all aspects of traveling with kids. I found it be a very comprehensive resource. It includes:

  • Benefits of traveling with kids while they're young
  • Keeping kids occupied in transit
  • Packing, especially for international travel
  • Choosing accommodations
  • Dealing with tantrums and conflicts
  • Jet lag
  • Inexpensive family-friendly activities
  • Packing checklist

Not everything is going to be the right fit for every family. For example, they encourage finding family-friendly activities, even if they're somewhat familiar. I agree - to a point. For example, I love finding parks for the kids. It gives them a chance to be active, to play freely, and to use their language abilities. However, I'm not as big into visiting zoos or aquariums on vacation, since I don't want to pay for an experience that is so close to something we can do at home. I do love visiting plazas or street markets though - there's something for everyone and it's a great way to learn about culture.

This is a great resource for anyone who is curious about whether or not they can make traveling with kids work - or someone who has booked a vacation and wants some advice for making it go smoothly. Travel is such a great experience - we waited for a major vacation until our kids were old enough to remember it, but we didn't want to wait any longer than that, and we're so glad we didn't wait!

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