Tuesday, July 2, 2019

World Wisdom: Global Warming Thoughts from Peter Ticktin

The mission of The Global Warming Foundation (www.theglobalwarmingfoundation.org) is to educate the world about the environmental and economic threats posed by climate change. The Global Warming Foundation’s goal is to monitor the changing weather patterns around the world in order to help in any way that the propagation of information may assist anyone whether they are looking for a global solution or personal survival.

Peter Ticktin (www.legalbrains.com) is a man of many passions. After he graduated from New York Military Academy, He pursued science in hopes of becoming a doctor, after skipping his first and last year of college he switched over to pursue his real passion; law and he applied to law school at the University of Western Ontario. After graduation he practice law as a Barrister and Solicitor where he defeated the Uniform Summons which caused every misdemeanor in the province of Ontario that used the form to be dismissed. Even as a law student, Peter defeated all the of the university’s traffic fine in a court trial. Peter’s impressive accomplishment led him to many great successes, and now he is applying his skills to help make a change in the world to help fight the issue that is Global Warming.

He recently wrote an article about the global warming crisis and the fact that it might be much worse than originally estimated. I had a chance to interview Peter to learn more about his efforts to fight global warming. 

1. How did you become involved in raising awareness about global warming?
I took an amazing course in meteorology as a High School Senior at New York Military Academy. My next year, my second year of college (I skipped one year) I read about global freezing and global warming only the latter made sense to me. My background was in science, so I understood global warming on a molecular and vast scale. By 1974, I had seen enough to understand that Global Warming was real and measurably happening, though minimal at that time. I had started a successful law practice in Toronto, Ontario, and I gave up my practice, bought a farm, and started to learn how to grow food, farm, be a mechanic, build structures, etc.

At that point, no one was educating the public, and I knew that at a certain point, the public would be informed, and even then, they would be in denial and barely effective in reducing carbon emissions. I never had the goal of educating the public. I believe that there are only 2 kinds of people on the planet. There are those who believe in Global Warming, and there are those who will believe in Global Warming. The deniers are always going to be there, especially with an industry which depends on selling massive amounts of fossil fuels.

My goals are not to educate the world. There are others who are attempting to do that. My goal is simply to help those who already understand the predicament.

2. Why do you believe it's more dire than some people say?
With feedback mechanisms in play, whether it is the recession of the arctic white ice (reflects 90% of sun’s energy), which is replaced by dark sea water (which absorbs 80% of the sun’s energy), or the melting and composting of the permafrost releasing CH4 (with 19 times the greenhouse effect than CO2), or other affects, the progression of this process is one which is exponential. We are already on the early stages of a hyperbolic curve. We are not advancing on a straight line, but geometrically.  This is why we continually see different groups correct themselves, almost always to indicate that the timing is worse than others originally calculated. Fundamentally, we humans are not able to appreciate this curve. If we could, no one would ever start a Ponzi scheme.

3. What are steps that everyday people can take to help reduce the likelihood of a global warming catastrophe?    
There is only one person on the planet who may have the capability of reversing course or at least level off, and that is the one who controls the US military and can deal with emergencies. That is, of course, President Trump, for now, and his successor, later. We are not capable of reducing our non-renewable carbon emissions without causing such harm to our economy that we would starve. It is far too little too late. The only way to fix this is to geo-engineer the planet, and that would involve finding ways to limit the amount of energy which we get from the sun. Meanwhile, every effort which is made to reduce emissions is helpful, provided that it helps the economy. We are going to need to prosper to accomplish geo-engineering as well as keeping up with the damage from storms, floods, desertification, wild fires, etc., not to forget the acidification of the oceans which is already interfering with the life cycles of sea life, including bicuspids and other egg laying animal life which lay eggs which hatch into small larvae which are extremely sensitive to a low pH.

Instagram: theglobalwarmingfoundation
Twitter: @TGWFoundation

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