Not only does Dr. Jeneby invite readers into his busy practice, but he also “virtually” invites them into the operating room where he has embraced the cutting-edge marketing phenomenon of “live sharing” his surgeries on social media, in the form of Facebook Lives, Snapchat, and Instagram Stories. In the book, readers can follow Dr. Jeneby...
- from the sanctuary of his on-site operating room doing a pre-dawn breast augmentation with his signature adjustable or“gummy bear” implants,
- to his fast-paced consults where he sizes up a potential patient’s mental health because he’s not just going to give someone want they want until he’s convinced that the patient understands exactly what he/she is getting into; (Guys,you may think you want a penis enlargement, but maybe you really just need a little affirmation),
- through the moment-by-moment maze of managing his women-only staff,
- back to his roots, his family, and how he got to be where he is today...and so much more!
- You’ll also hear from some of his raving fans, as well as victims of domestic abuse, both of whose lives have been transformed because of Dr. Jeneby’s expertise.
What inspired your story? My Grandfather was instrumental in teaching me the importance of putting thought to paper. An accomplished writer, Ph.D., and attorney, he was well-rounded, enjoyed a good laugh, and was extremely gregarious. He would sit with me in my early teens while visiting him in London and teach me the basic principles of manhood. His exact words to me were, “A man is not a man until he plants a tree, sires a son, and writes a book. This has influenced me for the last 32 years and was the inspiration for the book.
What was your greatest challenge in writing this book? The challenge in writing this book was trying to tell the right story with the right amount of relatable content and not overwhelm the reader with technical jargon that would leave people scratching their heads. The technical nature of surgery, combined with the media influence into our specialty makes it tougher to tell the true story of how a plastic surgeon feels on a day to day basis.
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