Monday, December 2, 2019

Book Nook: Chaos to Clarity - Sacred Stories of Transformational Change

We all experience physical or emotional pain at some point, but to learn how to transform that into something that makes us happier and more engaged in life is powerful!

The new book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change by Sacred Stories Publishing Founder Rev. Patricia Cagganello and award-winning author Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos, with the foreword by NY Times bestselling author Dr. Bernie Siegel, is a collection of incredibly inspiring stories from people around the globe who share how they emerged from their chaos and found clarity.

Witness firsthand the challenges that men and women from around the world faced head-on...

Battling a life-threatening illness. Surviving an abusive relationship. Overcoming addiction. Suffering the heartbreaking loss of a child. Wrestling with self-sabotaging thoughts. Losing and finding love...

these are just a few of the transformational stories that will encourage you and change your perspective in Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.

What sets this book apart is that in addition to the depth of traumas shared by the authors, Rev. Patricia as an ordained interfaith minister shares her perspective on the Spirituality of Change and how change is a catalyst for spiritual transformation. Kat accredited in Psychopathology and Special Education shares her perspective on the Psychology of Change and how the Butterfly Effect of change is part of Universal Oneness and our forward evolution as humans.

“There is a power and a resonance in our stories, our shared experiences,” Cagganello offers. “Important events in our lives are our change agents. The more significant the event—or rather, the more significant the emotion the event generates—the more attention we pay, and the greater the opportunity we have for transformation,” adds Cagganello.
“This timely book is a collaborative work of love and clarity on many levels. Our goal is to offer this written worldly wisdom in story-form as a blue-print for people rebuilding their lives, and as a GPS for those still moving towards clarity,” says Kanavos.
Rev. Cagganello is CEO and Founder of Sacred Stories Media, Sacred Stories Publishing, an award-winning book publishing and marketing company, and Sacred U ─ an online course division. An ordained interfaith, interspiritual minister and sacred storyteller, Cagganello is a believer in “raising the vibration of the planet” to one of respect and honor for the sacred nature of ourselves and all living beings. Before she was ordained, Cagganello served six years as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps as well as many years in the corporate and educational worlds. She is the author of two previous books, God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Animals and God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels, and co-author of the poetry book Scanning For Signal.
O'Keefe-Kanavos is accredited in psychopathology and special education. She taught psychology at University of South Florida's Fort Myers branch and was an instructor of the severely emotionally handicapped for 10 years, two years as special education department head. Later, she used a combination of dreams and conventional medicine to beat back cancer—three times. She was a research subject in the Breast Cancer Dream Research Program at Duke University. In Dreams That Can Save Your Life, O'Keefe-Kanavos and co-author Dr. Larry Burk compiled true accounts of people whose dreams were later validated as well as the results of research studies that support the precognitive power of dreams.
Real pain. Real people. Real healing. Real stories of transformation. Welcome to the heart of our shared humanity.

To learn more about the authors, please visit: and

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